Phoenix Wiki
In der EFI Shell, kann man meist nur auf FAT oder FAT32 Dateisysteme direkt zugreifen.
Befehle | Bedeutung |
Boot Befehle | |
autoboot | Set/view autoboot timeout variable |
bcfg | Display/modify the driver/boot configuration |
boottest | Set/view BootTest bits |
lanboot | Boot over the LAN |
reconfigreset | Reset the system (nPartition) for reconfiguration; the nPartition remains inactive, in the shutdown for reconfig state |
reset | Reset the system (nPartition) |
search | Connect drivers for bootables devices |
Konfigurations Befehle | |
acpiconfig | Set/view ACPI configuration mode |
cellconfig | Deconfigure/reconfigure cells. (Set cell use-on-next-boot values.) |
cpuconfig | Deconfigure/reconfigure CPUs |
date | Display the current date or set the date of the system (nPartition) |
dimmconfig | Deconfigure/reconfigure memory (DIMMs) |
err | Display/change the error level |
errdump | View/clear logs |
fru | View FRU data |
info | Display hardware information |
monarch | Set/view a monarch processor |
palproc | Make a PAL call |
romdrivers | Enable/disable PCI expansion ROM drivers |
rootcell | Set/view preferred root cells. (Set nPartition core cell choices.) |
salproc | Make a SAL call |
tftp | Performs TFTP operation to a bootp/DHCP enabled Unix boot server |
time | Display the current time or set the time of the system (nPartition). EFI time is set and presented in GMT (Greenwich mean time) |
variable | Save/restore specific EFI variables |
ver | Firmware Version anzeigen |
Geräte und Treiber Befehle | |
baud | View serial port com settings |
connect | Treiber mit Gerät verbinden |
dblk | Hex dump of BlkIo devices |
devices | erkannte PCI, PCIe Geräte anzeigen |
devtree | erkannte PCI, PCIe Geräte als Baum anzeigen |
dh | Dump handle info |
disconnect | Disconnect driver(s) from device(s) |
drivers | geladene Geräte und Dateisystemtreiber anzeigen |
drvcfg | Invoke the Driver Config Protocol |
drvdiag | Invoke the Driver Diagnostics Protocol |
guid | Dump known GUID IDs |
lanaddress | Display core I/O MAC address |
load | EFI Treiber laden |
unload | EFI Treiber aus Speicher entfernen |
map | erkannte Massenspeicher anzeigen |
openinfo | Display the open protocols for given handle |
pci | Display PCI devices or PCI function configuration space |
reconnect | Reconnect driver(s) from a device |
Dateisystem Befehle | |
attrib | Display/change the attributes of files/directories |
cd | Verzeichnis wechseln |
comp | zwei Dateien vergleichen |
ls | Datei|Verzeichnis anzeigen |
cp | Datei|Verzeichnis kopieren |
mv | Datei|Verzeichnis verschieben |
rm | Datei|Verzeichnis löschen |
edit | Edit an ASCII or UNICODE file in full screen |
eficompress | Compress infile and write to outfile |
efidecompress | Decompress infile and write to outfile |
hexedit | Edit a file, block device, or memory region using hex |
mkdir | Create one or more directories |
mount | Block-Dateisystem einbinden |
setsize | Set the size of a file |
smbiosview | System Management BIOS anzeigen |
touch | Update time of file/directory with current time |
type | Dateiinhalt anzeigen |
vol | Display volume information of the file system |
Memory Befehle | |
default | Set the default NVRAM values |
dmem | Dump memory or memory mapped IO |
dmpstore | Inhalt des NVRAMs anzeigen |
memmap | Display the memory map |
mm | Display/modify MEM/IO/PCI |
pdt | View/clear partition or cell PDT |
andere Befehle | |
alias | Set/get alias settings |
cls | Clear the standard output with an optional background color |
exit | Shell verlassen |
getmtc | Display current monotonic counter value |
help oder ? | Hilfe zeigen |
mode | Display the mode of the console output device |
set | Set/Get environment variable |
xchar | Turn on/off extended character features |
Shell Script Befehle | |
echo | Echo message to stdout or toggle script echo |
else | Script-only: Use with IF THEN |
endfor | Script-only: Delimiter for FOR loop construct |
endif | Script-only: Delimiter for IF THEN construct |
for | Script-only: Loop construct |
goto | Script-only: Jump to label location in script |
if | Script-only: IF THEN construct |
input | Take user input and place in efi variable |
pause | Script-only: Prompt to quit or continue |
stall | Stall the processor for some microseconds |
zum Dateisystem fs0 wechseln